Saturday, July 29, 2006

2nd in a week....

i just came back from the dentist. extracted my 2nd wisdom tooth of the week. i took one out 3 days ago. hmm apparently all 4 gives me problem so i have to extract 2 and operate 2 =S
oh nooooo... so now i'm biting the cotton waiting for it to stop bleeding..and waiting for the wound to heal... the previous one hasn't totally heal.... but i just wanna get over and done with it. duwanna take MC just to go extract...
actually the process is quite scary... they just PULL IT OUT HARD.... i mean.. dunno... but yea done 2. two to go... that one slowly lar... after these two heal, i makan cukup cukup then go... coz the next one more serious... gotta eat porridge for a week ....zzzzz

it's weekend! so happy and glad to know that joy is a happy student now heee..
how come so little ppl join this blogspot? where is everybody?
sleepy now go nap! ugh love weekend =D

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Talking about names....

[All conversation in mandarin as the auntie realised that i was struggling with cantonese]

"....ok i'll see you tomorrow. what is ur name?"
"Sil, Via"
"no no, Sil, Via"
"Oh okok, Suria. I'll see you tomorrow"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Short talk

Wah lau. Is it that difficult to get my name??Is my name that rare??HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF CYNTHIA BEFORE??!

"My name is Cynthia.."

"Clydia?" <----sounds like some female reproductive organ...






"OoH! ni budak india ke?"


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Viktor Navorski

I'm kinda leading a Viktor Navorski life... stuck in the airport.
I woke up at 3am to pack the last bit of stuff and check out from the hotel. 4am the cab picked me and i headed to Munich Airport. surprisingly it was already quite busy at 4.30am. the flight was at 6.45am so i was so sien. didn't bring any book and no mp3 player. so stoned for bout 2 hrs and finally to amsterdam. Amsterdam (Schipol airport) is soooooooooo busy. i was stuck in the jam (human jam) just because i wanna WALK to the KLM office. hmmm coz there were too many ppl around. just can't move at allllllllll..... finally escaped and check in as 'waiting list'... fingers crossed throughout the wait for the flight. Another 2 hours (coz took 1 hr to walk around the airport and another hour to check of 4 hrs)... with fingers crossed waited at the waiting hall RIGHT outside the MAS plane which will take me home. After everyone with a confirmed ticket boarded, it is time for me to know my destiny. *footstep of the air stewardess* i was looking so hard at the the air stewardess approaches, *heart stopped beating* she............OH NO SHE SHOOK HER HEAD INDICATING THERE IS NO EMPTY SPACE.I lowered my head and walk out of the waiting area feeling totally thrashed. carrying my 100kg laptop bag and my sling bag i walk to the arrival hall...get my passport stamped AGAIN and went to collect my luggage. *wait wait wait wait* 1 hr later i went to the Service Desk..and she told me 'u dun really need ur bag now right?' i was like 'huh???? ya i dun need it right now......but wait, where is my bag?' KLM girl...hmmm it might be on the plane to KL now...OR it might be in the baggage system but i can't tell u right now. *sigh* can things get any worse than this?
at that moment i was just trying to chill and not get frustrated coz it doesn't help the situation. spoke to some other passengers who got kicked out from the same flight and went to check in for the 9pm flight and try my luck again. i am also waitlisted. i'm kinda desperate to get home... so i think i'll have to try every 2 times a day until i get to go home. all flights are fully booked till 8th Aug (which is 24days from today wth)...went to the bookstore and bought 2 books and finally get to eat sth and walked around to find a place to online and kill some hours. killed 5 hours.... 4 to go... my destiny to be determined then.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Japan2006 white dolphin frightening people >▽<

And this is why they tell you not to tap on the glass....

Thursday, July 13, 2006



I think after working for a year plus in advertising i really am surprised at how patient i've become.....

I lost a client today but i don't feel so bad about it because i rather work with someone who can actually pay for my services instead of threatening me and making rather staleless remarks like "i am from a reputable company and i know alot of people so this would certainly look bad on your company".......all these while i just replied appropriately in the most congenial and professional while this is our blog and i'm allowed to bitch about work i will do so now......

Mr Guy-Who-Wanks-To-Kiddy-Porn, i hope you get ass raped by those big burly ah kuas we always see at NY and record on his bluetooth enabled camera phones and make the Tammy Scandal fade in comparison. I hope he pwn you so hard you'll be choking on your own balls once he through with you....hmph


So anyway i would like to make a big shout-out to Rubina and all the peeps who are attending her partey...have fun and sorry i can't make it. I have to go to church in the morning and i seriously cannot afford to miss it because i'm on duty.


Speaking of warden duty at my church i find it frustrating to find anything appopriate to wear that would be deemed "decent" for the church while still being fashionable. I can't wear jeans,sleeveless,minis,casual shirts or even SLACKS. So i don in the most boring outfit i can pull out from my wardrobe to church. Even i dont wear like this to is so not cool.

last but not least...


Everybody loves a scandal.It makes their otherwise boring and colorless life (like mine) interesting. AND BOY do we ever soak it up like a sponge at someone else's misery

My accountant sent out an email to all the executives about some new policies within the company in particular our monthly claims. Colleague A, is in the KL branch,
in response to that decided to vent her anger by sending a mail to one of my colleagues whom she's close saying that she thought the accountant is a "f**king bitch" not realising SHE HAD FORWARD THAT MAIL TO EVERYONE IN THE OFFICE.

Moral of the story is....NEVER GOSSIP OVER EMAIL

...yo-ho,yo-ho, a pirates life for me...

don't you just wanna ride jack sparrow's ship?yeah beybe...

Sunday, July 09, 2006


hey guys it's me again. it's a damn hot day!
i just came back from Munich city. well i dun exactly know where's where lar. i arrive Munich yday and this morning went out jalan. i din take any bus or train or tram. i just WALK. and when i see some special building from far, i'll just walk towards it. well i guess i walked the right direction. on my way to D-place, I saw an English Garden. so i's like a joggers' park. hmm a lot of ppl cycling and jogging. it's nice coz it's shady etc...and a lot of ppl picture also coz there's a river. so i wanted to leave since there is nothing interesting. to my surprise there IS sth interesting! from 100m away, i thought i saw someone naked. i was must walk nearer. so i did ...50m away...i kept my camera away in case ppl beat me up =p and yessss a lot of ppl not wearing ANY baju and getting tanned. woooowwww! *drool* hahahaha that's the most interesting that happened today lar.
then i just walk around and the buildings etc qutie nice lar. but all the shops close. sunday close... beging hor? heee... anyways i'm soo tired now after walking (NON-STOP) for 3.5 hours... super tired now in the hotel resting. later go get some food and watch football...
yes D-day!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

my dvd player is my lifeline

Oh i see our blog members growing in numbers!Im so delighted!

My boss or to be more precise the director of my company takes great delight in scolding me much to chagrin of my sanity and dignity in the office. But after awhile i have somewhat gotten immune to this insults which usually include :-

1.Blur -ultimate favourite

BUT TODAY IT WAS DIFFERENT!!Today i have been branded a new title....


"........" - shock twists my face grostequely

"Anyway i want you to come with me to see a client tomorrow" -changes tone immediately

"But you called me rojak-"


As he stalked off i was left there in the center of the office while fellow colleagues giggled like high school girls REFUSING to meet my eye or alleviate my pain....oh why...whyyy??

On a lighter note of things i would like to let you all know i have a new boyfriend.....YES....he's sleek,slim and is at utmost pioneer dvd playa....

yes in a span of two days of being at home alone he has made me laugh, cry and entertained me to fill in this void called 'SINGLEHOOD'

I watched My Girl and I with Ee Vynn and i swear Ee Vynn is HEARTLESS....yes!I cried so much in the movie.I mean it was sooo sad and i left a pile of wantan bombs on my table and ee vynn didnt even BLINK.

The King and the Clown...supposedly the most popular(note popular...not best) movie in Korean filmmaking and got critical reviewss .IMHO the movie didnt have any focus in the so most of the time i was scratching my head like a monkey and going "WHUT?!" .It was often called Korea's Brokeback Mountain because there's this king and he falls in love with this guy who looks prettier than me (OMG)...

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holy shit!a guy thats prettier than all of us combined!iwanttokillmyselfff!!!

i stopped watching after like an hour of being more confused and aggitated because the story was going nowhere...

And Underworld : Evolution starring Kate Beckinsale....i really can see why it received lackluster reviews because the movie was....really..lackluster....pfftt

image of Lee Joon Ki in The King and The Clown taken from

Monday, July 03, 2006

Thank you cyn =)

you know, today when i was walking to work (hotel to office = 10mins), i thought, hey! i should blog about my weekend....telling everyone how terrible it went! but i thought again, shucks, i can't do that. my colleagues might have my friendster account and they can read what i felt about my weekend (yea i only hav friendster blog and yea i spent it with them =p )
and now thanks to cynthia, i can BLOG about it!

saturday i just went shopping on my own...i went to De Hague's oklar... not to say super special...but it's super expensive lar. the sign goes 'SUMMER SALE. 59EUROS PER PIECE'... i was like wth man..that's more just a bit less than RM300.... hahah.. so i didn't buy much. i was alone shopping so it was alright. went back early to watch footbal....*sobs* england lost. i hate penalty. it's such a cruel way to eliminate players! sobs and i hate c.ronaldo...u may be quite cute but I HATE YOU NOW! well it is true tat rooney shud hv controlled his temper but c.ronaldo ignite it! *IMAGINE THIS*
c.ronaldo - referee (ok he won't start this way but just take it as it is first), this rooney did it purposely! give him a card give him a card! with ur professionalism u can tell this is so obvious and my teammate is in pain! give him a card!
then rooney got mad and gave him a push. ah, and rooney has a red card now. wth! AND YOU SEE C.RONALDO GOING TO THE REFEREE ALL THE TIME. GRRR. HATE HIM!!!!

ok, on comes my dreadful day. i had breakfast with one of the colleague here (she's fine)...then she asked me to join a bbq at a manager's place... i told her i'll be ok alone and might go around...she asked me i felt obligated to go... and so i went. BBQ AT 2PM (IT'S DAMN HOT)... AND EVERYONE STANDING AROUND CHATTING FOR LIKE 3-4HOURS UNDER THE was so awkward...everyone knows everyone and started iwas kinda alone and felt soooo out of place. there were about 30 ppl there and mostly british and scottish.... so for 3-4 hours iwas standing there keeping quiet and IF anyone come to me and chat then i'll chat but it's really awkward and dreadful. after that i finally made up my mind to LEAVE! yes i was the earliest to leave and i think everyone will understand! GOSH tell u, i've never felt this awkward ever in my life! i just dunno how to describe it...

anyway this is getting long but just to update u guys i'm fine here =)
food is alright but im starting to miss local food... work's fine... not a lot of pressure yet. basically just trying to learn as much as possible... i'm going to Munich for 1 week and will be back in msia! weee! i'll be working in cyberjaya till end of this year (client's office)...

post sth k?
p/s: i'm at work.....hahaha super not discipline but will try to do this after work next time!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Spandex is so hot

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Today me and Ee Vynn managed to catch Superman Returns at Tebrau City. So here's the deal....I LOVED IT. Ee Vynn thought it was okay but i thought it was one of the best summer movies so far that i have watched. Brandon Routh looks like he was born for the role of Superman and he is so hot my mouth went dry just watching him in that tight outfit.Oh so sexy...../wipes side of mouth

While i did enjoy the movie and thought Superman should be better being tied to my bed with ropes laced with kryptonite shards MINUS the spandex, I DID NOT ENJOY the screaming kids in the cinema house. I mean cinemas should really make a regulation where we not only cannot bring in outside food but also children under the age of 12 or something.Or cinemas could provide tranquilizers for children so that they would remain unconscious during the movie....

I think life is so unfair guys have to admit that Ee Vynn probably has the best skin out of all of us so when she says "Oh i wash my face with water only..." i just felt like pulling out tufts of my hair and stomp/kick the ground with my feet like some bull on heat cos im cracking my head thinking how to cure my incurable breakout problem....also a happy Ee Vynn is a giggling fair skinned girl with 3-4 shopping bags slung across her arms.THANKS TO ME, she now has a long,floral print empire cut blouse, a new MNG handbag and a dress with an oh-my-so-low plunging neckline.

Tomorrow, me and Ee Vynn are going to Holiday Plaza because we are going to hunt down japanese/korean serials or movies. Just so you know Ee Vynn still doesnt support piracy so she'll give me money to buy them..........okay it makes no difference AND THIS IS EE VYNN WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, it makes no sense either..........

image taken from