Tuesday, July 04, 2006

my dvd player is my lifeline

Oh i see our blog members growing in numbers!Im so delighted!

My boss or to be more precise the director of my company takes great delight in scolding me much to chagrin of my sanity and dignity in the office. But after awhile i have somewhat gotten immune to this insults which usually include :-

1.Blur -ultimate favourite

BUT TODAY IT WAS DIFFERENT!!Today i have been branded a new title....

"You ah...so ROJAK-BRAIN!!"

"........" - shock twists my face grostequely

"Anyway i want you to come with me to see a client tomorrow" -changes tone immediately

"But you called me rojak-"


As he stalked off i was left there in the center of the office while fellow colleagues giggled like high school girls REFUSING to meet my eye or alleviate my pain....oh why...whyyy??

On a lighter note of things i would like to let you all know i have a new boyfriend.....YES....he's sleek,slim and is at utmost quality....my pioneer dvd playa....

yes in a span of two days of being at home alone he has made me laugh, cry and entertained me to fill in this void called 'SINGLEHOOD'

I watched My Girl and I with Ee Vynn and i swear Ee Vynn is HEARTLESS....yes!I cried so much in the movie.I mean it was sooo sad and i left a pile of wantan bombs on my table and ee vynn didnt even BLINK.

The King and the Clown...supposedly the most popular(note popular...not best) movie in Korean filmmaking and got critical reviewss .IMHO the movie didnt have any focus in the so most of the time i was scratching my head like a monkey and going "WHUT?!" .It was often called Korea's Brokeback Mountain because there's this king and he falls in love with this guy who looks prettier than me (OMG)...

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holy shit!a guy thats prettier than all of us combined!iwanttokillmyselfff!!!

i stopped watching after like an hour of being more confused and aggitated because the story was going nowhere...

And Underworld : Evolution starring Kate Beckinsale....i really can see why it received lackluster reviews because the movie was....really..lackluster....pfftt

image of Lee Joon Ki in The King and The Clown taken from www.cinempire.com


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